Hey! My name is Andy.

I'm currently a junior studying Computer Science at the University of Michigan. This summer, I will be working at GEICO as a Software Development Engineering Intern. When I am not busy studying or coding, I love to play basketball or travel the world!

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Incoming SDE Intern @ GEICO

December 2024 - Present

Sandwich Artist @ Subway

September 2024 - Present

My rent and bills have to be paid somehow...

Operations Intern @ Fitnescity

July 2024 - August 2024


University of Michigan Logo
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

B.S.E, Computer Science

Expected Graduation Date: May 2026

Relevant Coursework:
EECS 203. Discrete Mathematics
Introduction to the mathematical foundations of computer science. Topics covered include: propositional and predicate logic, set theory, function and relations, growth of functions and asymptotic notation, introduction to algorithms, elementary combinatorics and graph theory and discrete probability theory.
EECS 280. Programming and Introductory Data Structures
Algorithm development and effective programming, top-down analysis, structured programming, testing and program correctness. Program language syntax and static and runtime semantics. Scope, procedure instantiation, recursion, abstract data types and parameter passing methods. Structured data types, pointers, linked data structures, stacks, queues, arrays, records and trees.
EECS 281. Data Structures and Algorithms
Introduction to algorithm analysis and O-notation; Fundamental data structures including lists, stacks, queues, priority queues, hash tables, binary trees, search trees, balanced trees and graphs; searching and sorting algorithms; recursive algorithms; basic graph algorithms; introduction to greedy algorithms and divide and conquer strategy. Several programming assignments.
EECS 370. Introduction to Computer Organization
Basic concepts of computer organization and hardware. Instructions executed by a processor and how to use these instructions in simple assembly-language programs. Stored-program concept. Datapath and control for multiple implementations of a processor. Performance evaluation, pipelining, caches, virtual memory, input/output.
EECS 376. Foundations of Computer Science
Introduction to theory of computation. Models of computation: finite state machines, Turing machines. Decidable and undecidable problems. Polynomial time computability and paradigms of algorithm design. computational complexity emphasizing NP-hardness. Coping with intractability. Exploiting intractability: cryptography.
EECS 484. Database Management Systems
Concepts and methods for the design, creation, query and management of large enterprise databases. Functions and characteristics of the leading database management systems. Query languages such as SQL, forms, embedded SQL, and application development tools. Database design, integrity, normalization, access methods, query optimization, transaction management and concurrency control and recovery.
EECS 485. Web Systems
Concepts surrounding web systems, applications, and internet scale distributed systems. Topics covered include client/server protocols, security, information retrieval and search engines, scalable data processing, and fault tolerant systems. The course has substantial projects involving development of web applications and web systems.
ROB 101. Computational Linear Algebra
Linear algebra and computation as a means for reasoning about data and making discoveries about the world. Topics: The Julia programming language. Systems of linear equations. Vectors, matrices, inverses. Regression. Matrix factorization. Spatial coordinates. Cameras, LiDARS, accelerometers, single-axis gyroscopes, encoders. Optimization and robot perception.



Places I would love to visit: Japan, Thailand, Iceland, Australia, Norway, Los Angeles

Contact Me

Feel free to send me an email at andypan159@gmail.com or submit the form below.